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Our philosophy is compassion, respect and autonomy

At Hospice Peterborough, we understand that the journey from diagnosis onward can be overwhelming, lengthy, and fraught with anxiety for both individuals and their families. That’s why we offer a comprehensive range of community services designed to support and embrace the entire person, along with their family and caregivers, throughout this journey.

Our team at Hospice Peterborough assists in navigating the complexities of accessing health and social services, providing valuable information, advocacy, and unwavering support from our professional staff and trained volunteers.

Additionally, we recognize the importance of providing grief and bereavement support to our community. Our tailored services in this area ensure that each person’s unique needs are met with compassionate care and understanding. This includes supportive care, participation in support groups, and meaningful memorial opportunities, all aimed at helping individuals and families navigate the challenging path of loss. At Hospice Peterborough, our commitment is to be a steadfast companion on this journey, offering care and support every step of the way.

Nurse with man in wheelchair and 3 family members sitting on counch

I have a life-threatening illness

When you are diagnosed with a life-threatening illness, you are affected in many ways including, physically, emotionally and practically. You may struggle to make sense of treatment options, ask questions about the disease or ask “why me?”

Young woman with older woman sitting in wheelchair

I am a caregiver

Our caregiver support group is designed to connect people caring for their person who is dying with other caregivers for peer-to-peer support. Hospice staff and volunteers facilitate the group to be able to help participants connect with resources.

Crying teenage boy and girl consoling each other

I am grieving a death

Losing a loved one can be a profound experience, and at Hospice Peterborough, we recognize that grief is a natural and individual process. Our grief support programs are designed to provide a comforting space for individuals to share their stories, and find healing in community.

Hospice Residence empty bed in room with large window and chairs

Our residence

Our Hospice Residence opened in April 2019 and provides around the clock professional care in a tranquil environment for 10 residents at the end-of-life. There is always someone to welcome clients and visitors and help everyone find their way.

Hospice Stories

Finding Comfort in Community: Yvonne’s Story

Finding Comfort in Community: Yvonne’s Story

After the sudden loss of her father, Yvonne found a safe place at Hospice to share her grief, and made life-long friends on the process.     Yvonne and dad Eddy They called him “RV Eddy”: a nickname earned – and well deserved – for his far-reaching expertise in all things Recreational Vehicle. “He was the best Recreational Vehicle repair person in North America , people said,” shares Yvonne Hollandy, his eldest daughter. “ It was generally accepted that if he couldn’t source the part or fix the problem, then the part simply didn’t exist or the problem was unfixable.” Edward Hollandy’s brilliance was outmatched only by his generosity – “he would do anything to help...

A Legacy of Compassion and Care: Connie Swinton

A Legacy of Compassion and Care: Connie Swinton

After a revered career in international public health, the late Connie Swinton bequeathed $10,000 to Hospice Peterborough. Remembering Connie Swinton: internationally esteemed public health nurse and recipient of the Order of Canada. The late Connie Swinton was an internationally esteemed public health nurse and recipient of the Order of Canada. She was also a great supporter of Hospice Peterborough. She volunteered in client care with Hospice for 25 years, fundraised to support the capital campaign and hosted the launch of her memoir ‘From Tofield to the Top of the World’ at our previous Hospice location. Ms. Swinton is known for her phenomenal 45-year international career...

Living Life at Hospice Peterborough

Living Life at Hospice Peterborough

Don shares reflections of his family's time using supports and services. The Herald Family Don (L), Jordon (top center) andMarnie (R) surround Jan. I write this on December 9th, 2022. It would have been her 78th birthday. She died at Hospice Peterborough on December 21st, 2021, just two weeks after our family, close friends and staff celebrated her 77th. We had two other celebrations. Our son’s 50th birthday and our 54th anniversary. And they were certainly parties – there’s no doubt about that! Cakes. Balloons. Banners. Music, Laughter. Sharing of stories. Hugs. Kisses. Photographs. I’m sure you get the idea. The parties were much like our family would have done if Jan had...

Local Family Thankful for Support After Loss of Parents

Local Family Thankful for Support After Loss of Parents

After losing both parents, days apart, the Lockyer family shares story of how Hospice supported their family and aims to ensure supports continue to be available to all Susan and Wayne Our parents shared a great love story – one that lasted more than half a century and ended with each of them dying of a broken heart.Many of you might know our father Wayne Lockyer – he co-owned and operated Lockyers’ Garden Centre and was a local minor hockey coach – and our mother Susan Lockyer who worked for many years at the Mapleridge Shoppers Drug Mart and was well-known for her kind soul and spectacular smile.They were happily married for 52 years...

For the Love of Jan

For the Love of Jan

While grieving the loss of a wonderful wife, mother and grandmother, the Paris family thanks Hospice Peterborough for helping them cope and initiates fundraiser in honour of Jan Paris, pledging to match donations Bill Paris has more than 50 years of wonderful memories that he made with his late wife Jan. He recalls meeting her when they both attended Crestwood Secondary School, marrying a few years later and, as a younger man, coming home from an excruciatingly long day at work at Paris Marine and finding Jan sitting on the couch with their newborn twins Julie and Deborah – one in each of her arms nursing a bottle - while she rocked their two-year-old Tracey with her foot....