Frequently Asked Questions

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If you have questions, we’re here to help. Below is a list of some frequently asked questions, however, please do not hesitate to contact us should you not find the answers you’re looking for.

What does Hospice Peterborough do?

Hospice Peterborough provides over 26+ programs and services which support those who have been diagnosed with a life-threatening illness, those at the end of life, and those who are grieving with support from time of diagnosis through death and grief. All our services are offered at no charge.

What is hospice care?

Hospice Palliative Care Ontario defines hospice care as ‘care that aims to relieve suffering and improve quality of life.’ Our goal is to enhance quality of life, promote dignity, and provide a supportive environment where individuals and families can find solace and healing. This is achieved through a person-centered, holistic approach focussed on comfort and not cure.

Does seeking palliative care mean I have given up?

Seeking palliative care is not about giving up; it’s about focusing on comfort, quality of life, and dignity. Palliative care provides comprehensive support, managing pain and symptoms, while also addressing emotional, social, and spiritual needs. It empowers people to make choices about their care and to live as fully as possible, whether that means pursuing treatments or simply finding peace and comfort. It’s about living well, on your own terms, throughout the journey.

What can I expect if my loved one is admitted to the Hospice Residence?

Patients admitted to the Hospice Residence receive 24-hour professional care from a dedicated team of nurses, personal support workers, physicians, counsellors, and volunteers. The focus is on addressing physical, emotional, and spiritual needs in a tranquil and supportive environment.

There are no set visiting hours, you are welcome at any time. For the latest information on visiting please call 705-742-4042.

How can I access Hospice Peterborough support?

All our programs, except the Residence, are self-referral. There is no doctor’s note or referral required. If you think you would benefit, please reach out to or call 705-742-4042 for more information.

To be referred to the Hospice Residence you must have a referral by a physician. If you do not have access to a physician, please reach out to or call 705-742-4042.

Note that like all Hospice Peterborough’s programs, care in the Residence is offered at no cost to the recipient or their loved ones.

How can I support Hospice Peterborough?

There are several ways to support Hospice Peterborough:

Donate: Your donations help us continue providing free services and care to those in need. You can donate online through our website or contact us for other donation options. Donate here.

Volunteer: Volunteering your time and skills is invaluable to us. Whether it’s assisting with patient care, supporting events, or helping with administrative tasks, your contribution makes a difference. Visit our volunteer page on the website to learn more about opportunities. 

Your support through donations or volunteering helps us fulfill our mission of compassionate care for individuals and families in our community.

How is Hospice Peterborough Funded?

Hospice Peterborough is primarily funded through a combination of government funding, grants, donations from individuals, businesses, and community organizations, as well as fundraising events. This diverse funding model allows us to provide our services free of charge to Ontario residents in the City and County of Peterborough. Your support ensures that clients and their families can focus on living the final stages of life well and with dignity, and process their grief in a safe, supportive environment.